Sprout Group is committed to constantly challenging our performance and pushing the boundaries so that our approach to Health and Safety (H&S) is aligned to the evolution of the Sprout Group strategy, remains effective and fit for purpose for the sectors and markets in which we operate and positively influences H&S outcomes in everything we do.
In recent times, our aspiration has been to shift our people’s relationship with health, safety and well being from one which is transaction and compliance based towards a more empowering relationship where people are encouraged and supported to use informed judgement and sound risk management techniques.Underlying this focus is the H&S Strategic Direction. This defines the actions and focus of leadership and management in providing effective oversight and management of H&S at all levels across the business in the following areas:
Disciplined delivery – supporting the embedment of the Global Minimum Requirements(GMRs) in achieving a more disciplined and consistent delivery model.
Strong risk management – transforming people’s relationship with H&S by empowering them to care and manage risk through informed judgement.
Driving innovation – utilising the innovation pathway to provide focus and direction to solutions that can positively affect safety outcomes.We also remain committed to ensuring our operations remain focused and engaged and to reviewing the composition of the function to ensure we remain as effective as possible in executing this strategy. Although we operate in a dynamic environment and changes will be made to enhance our strategy, the H&S Strategic Direction is resolute and focused in these areas.
Achieving this aspiration relies on the implementation of a simple and effective framework that assists our day-to-day decision making and helps our business function safely. Our 2018 GMRs drive this approach across five stages of the operational lifecycle. These include governance, investment, design and planning, establishing work environments and delivery, setting
parameters on the control and elimination of key risk events faced by our business. There is a deliberate focus on front-end planning and strong risk management meaning that safety begins for Sprout Group well before a project commences and irrespective of the working environment.
The H&S Strategic Direction and GMR Framework are essential components in ensuring the safety, health and well being of our people remains our priority. This approach also empowers people to identify and manage H&S risks that are applicable to them, promotes moving beyond minimum statutory and organisational requirements, and leads to innovation and continual improvement. They are all key attributes in our aspiration to create places that care and which are free from incident and injury.
Sprout Group © 2025 Developed by Swap IT Solutions